Physical Description:
This is marvelous medium sized parrot(Psittacula eupatria).This is a green parrot measuring between 56 to 62 cm (~23.2 inches) with a tail up to 35 cm in length. The male's head is green with grey-blue cheeks and nape (lower back of the neck) . There is a broad black neck ring and broad pink nape band. There is a brownish-red shoulder patch and the tail is yellow-tipped bluish-green. The bill is yellow-tipped red. The female and young birds lack the black neck ring and pink nape band and are duller. In Pakistan this species is declining due to habitat loss. Safwan Foundation is planting Peepal, Banyan and other Ficus trees to restore the habitat of this great parrot.
There are five sub-species, differing in mostly minor plumage details and size:
P. e. avensis (Burmese Alexandrine Parakeet)
P. e. magnirostris (Andaman Island's Alexandrine Parakeet) and
P. e. siamensis (Laos or Siamese Alexandrine Parakeet)
Alexandrine Parakeet is a gregarious and noisy species, forming huge flocks at the evening roosts. This is a mystical parrot. Its flight is swift and direct, and the call is a loud scream, similar to, but deeper than Rose-ringed Parakeet, P. krameri.
Trapping pressure to cater to the demands of the pet trade have caused a drastic decline in this species. It is illegal to trade in Alexandrine Parakeets in India and yet these birds are sold in broad daylight in urban bird markets, suggesting that the Indian government is allocating insufficient resources towards the protection of this beautiful species.
Status in the Wild
World Population:
Not recorded
P.e. eupatria: Sri Lanka and Indian peninsula.
P.e. nipalensis: E Afganistan, E and S Pakistan, C India to Nepal, Bhutan and Assam to Bangladesh.
P.e. magnirostris: Andaman Islands and nearby Coco Islands, Bay of Bengal.
P.e. avensis: Cachar district of Assam to S Burma.
P.e. siamensis: N and W Thailand to Cambodia, C Laos, rarely in north; and SC Vietnam.
Found in variety of moist and dry forests and woodlands. Also found in cultivated areas and mangroves. Found up to 900m (2952ft).
Threat Summary:
Declining in Sri Lanka, is heavily traded in wild bird market.
IUCN Rating:
Least Concern
Wild Diet:
Eats variety of wild and cultivated seeds, flowers and flower buds, nectar, grain, fruit and vegetables.
CITES Rating:
Appendix II
Occurs in small flocks but forms bigger groups where food is abundant and at communal roosts where birds from a large area may gather in one large tree.
Clutch and Egg Size:
2 to 4, broad/oval, 34 x 27mm (1.3 x 1.05 in)
Breeding Season:
November/ December to March/April depending on location.
More Info Sites:
World Wide Distribution Map